Introducing Charles the Reckless and Antoine, le Grand Bâtard de Haut-Dijon


Here's Charlie!  In the original French, apparently Charles le Téméraire (one of his nicknames) more closely translates to Charles the Reckless rather than Charles the Bold.  'Reckless' seems more appropriate when you consider his legacy. Anyway, this is a Perry plastic on a Fireforge caparisoned horse.

Charles the Reckless.


The banner is from Freezywater Flags and the Charles's horse caparison is hand-painted.  Thank goodness for those big desk magnifiers!

Here he is bossing everyone around!

And again, perhaps less safely right next to the unpredictable artillery.

Keeping a wary eye on those Swiss skirmishers

Le Grand Batard himself.

Antoine not doing so well as his command gets wiped out by Swiss pike.


  1. Truly lovely work Andy and so great to see them in the metal! Looking at your photo it shows my vorhut took quite a few losses! Really enjoyed the game.

  2. Me too, John. Yes, your Vorhut took quite a few losses but kept going on, and on ....and on!


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